Saturday, April 25, 2009

A New Partnership

A New Partnership

A new partnership between corporate America and its people could be easily attained in a few simple steps.

I would like to propose that a large Foundation, perhaps The Gates Foundation, contribute $100 Million dollars to feed a population lacking food that is growing beyond any level anyone could have anticipated. No need to go into the details of the events surrounding the rise in people without food except to say it is spiraling out of control affecting many levels of peoples from the homeless to the working poor.

This program would be a self-sustaining program. A one-time tax deductible donation from a charitable foundation would be placed into a bank account, preferably a local credit union, or a series of them to further bolster communities, wherein the principle would never be touched. With such a large donation even a safe return of 2.5% would conservatively yield $2,500,000 per year. In better times even more.

This revenue would then be used to purchase food from large stores like Safeway, Whole Foods, etc. on a regular contract basis at a reduced cost as patrons will not buy them anyway preferring instead to buy the more fresh product at market price. These foods would be those that are either outdated or very close. Too close for these firms to keep on their shelves but perfect when used immediately.

These foods would be sent to those charitable organizations that cook and serve and to those for outright distribution. Many such organizations exist and would be pleased to aid in feeding people as they already do.

The large chain store gets a regular outlet for clearing their shelves for new goods and gets paid for them reducing waste. Food sources get a steady stream of quality foods to assist those in need, the contributing Foundation gets endless good will not to mention press and the people get a healthy meal allowing them to be more whole physically not to mention the feeling of concern they receive from their community.

With that initial contribution the U.S. Government would be asked to contribute on a matching dollar program which would double the size of the reach and good will across the board. At a time when bailout money is flying off the printing presses in the billions, one hundred million is not a lot to ask for. And, in this way, the economic burden created in part by wages not rising with productivity over recent years would be bridged honestly as many good working people are not able to keep up even working multiple jobs.

Asking for a dollar matching program would show truly good will on the part of the U.S. Government and create a partnership that connects the corporate world, the Government, Charitable Organizations and the people all together in a healthy network with one simple defined goal; to feed people in need.

After all, if you can’t eat you can’t get out of poverty, homelessness or rise up from the status of working poor.

This would not be faith-based, nor would it favor any group except the people.

If you like the idea, I would be pleased to champion such a program for no pay whatsoever. In fact, other than meeting with The Foundation and the Government, I would prefer total anonymity as to keep the focus on the program itself. As I am white, hold a doctoral degree from an ivy institution albeit happily without money, I might be suspect by certain elements anyway. I have the will, the education both formally and streetwise to implement and oversee such a beautiful program and would like to institute it in the SF Bay Area with your generous assistance. I am more than familiar with many industries having worked for years as a private vendor having owned my own business and my degree is in clinical psychology so its’ a little tough to get passed me with any form of self-serving motivations.

A couple of decent tractor-trailers is all that is needed to run up and down the coast to pick up perishable goods and deliver them to existing outlets. The program is fundamentally a design to reduce food waste and place it where it can do the most good.

No new creation is required, no big office is necessary, no sprawling warehouse nor a national identity except what would be required to give credit to The Foundation from which the contribution would come and the charitable organizations who make the food available.

Large grocers while jumping the chance to actually get paid albeit at discounted levels for expiring goods may or may not want attention to such a program. Whatever their preference is fine. Our goal is simply to fill those trailers with food for the program.

This would be a serious but beautiful way to unite our causes for the benefit of people in our country as they struggle to make their way through the complexities of modern life.

Wouldn’t it be great to create something positive that outlasts ourselves?

1 comment:

Three Sides said...

Good idea, but I don't know if it would work. There are a lot of ideas out there to try to fix the economy. This reminds me of the idea of the government giving every worker a certain age (over 40, over 50 etc) like a million dollars instead of giving money to companies to blow. The only catch is if they accept the million they have to leave the job market never to work again...basically the government paying them to retire. It stimulates the economy with millions of people getting money and helps fix the job market because there are jobs opening up everywhere for those under that age to take.